A Glazing Good Time.

Make your Own Glazes

Another budget saver is making your own Glazes.

You can do this in so many ways and my sister even has a YouTube tutorial on how she does it

Although her preference is now to use Multi Medium in a gloss. I still love to use triple thick and will share my method step by step complete with photos for you all

This is Number 2 in things you can do with re-inkers other than re-inking your ink pads.


You can get bigger containers to make larger amounts of glaze however I truly like just making a small amount at a time, as I find it goes quite a long way.

I got my containers from eBay in the nail art section; here is a link to some http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/140549609149?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

The reason I liked these containers is because they come with their own little trays to store them in. They hold 5mls and you can most certainly search through and find larger ones for a bit more money to make larger batches.

So along with your containers and re-inkers you will need a gloss medium. I love and am completely addicted to triple thick. However I have also successfully made glazes with Glossy Accents and Multi Medium in the Gloss finish

Some Pearl ex, Perfect Pearls or other Mica Powder or Irradescance Medium (this last actually works best to give a shimmer to your glaze).

A small mixing spoon

A water mister or some water

If you want to turn your ‘shimmery glaze’ into something similar to ‘glimmer glam’ you will need some chunky glitter or fine depending on the look you are after

So now you have gathered all your Materials together let’s begin. You will see my Sister and I both have similar but different methods when it comes to making our glazes. Neither is right or wrong it is just what works for us.

Step 1: Mist a small amount of water into the bottom of your container (If you are using a bigger container you will need more water than in the pic shown)


Step 2: Add in a scoop or two of your gloss medium. Leave some room at the top of your container as you do not want to make a huge mess or waste this when you stir it.



Step 3: Add in a drop of your re-inker. I used Antique Linen Distress and needed 4 drops. However most colours will in such a small container only require one to two drops at most.


Step 4: Add in your pigment powder. I used Perfect Pearls Biscotti and was a little disappointed as it did not really shimmer when I used it to glaze with. Note if you are using Iradescance Medium mix a very teeny amount with your water then continue with adding your gloss medium and skip adding the pigment powder step.


Step 5: Use the skinny end of your spoon to stir your mix until it is all combined. Do this gently as it will take a minute and you do not want to create lots of air bubbles or spill too much.


Your finished glaze (you can make this as watery or glossy as you like depending on what you are using it for will depend on the thickness needed)

A great use: Take a Mulberry Paper flower and dip it in your glaze. Move it around till it is all coated. Shake off the excess. Then move away from your container and blow on the flower to remove all the excess glaze. Stick in some Foam or plasticine and allow to dry overnight. You may be tempted to dry the flowers with a heat gun. I have found from my experience it is far better to let them dry naturally. This gives a great finish to flowers and the colours are intense and vibrant. It is a totally different look than misting the flowers

Step 6: This is vital so you are easily able to re open your containers each time you wish to use them. Clean around the top of your jar.

And that is it. So quick and simple. Another great cost cutting idea for the budget crafter. See My Shabby Chic cards and boxes, as well as my Nieces 16th birthday card to see how vibrant paper flowers are coloured this way

And that’s all there is there isn’t anymore

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